So......here are her penguins that she used from Punch Pals for her Christmas cards.
For the first two cards she used the square technique. She was able to use a square punch which saved a

The third card I know took some extra time. She wanted the snowflakes to be white and they look great white! Well, she had to use the craft ink and it isn't the most fun she had ever had. Craft ink takes a long time to dry on paper, but the result is awesome. So, she stamped several full sheet s of her cardstock, let them dry over night, and then cut them apart. She said that helped a little. I love how she put the presents under the tree.
Great Job, Julia! Thank you so much for letting me share these with the bloggers. Also, I thank all my bloggers for stopping by. It is always great to hear your comments.
Thanks for stopping by on this cold winter day! I hope you are all enjoying the weekend!
Happy Stamping! Britni :)
"Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does no lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false." Psalm 24: 3-4
Loved the cards made with the punch pals set. Great job Julia. Aren't those penguins cute little guys.
Especially love that last one. Nice!
You waorked very hard!!
Your cards are beautiful.
You did a great job! You worked very hard.
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