I recently attended my StampAttics meeting. It is a time for a lot of demonstrators to get together to share samples, ideas, and workshop ideas. It is a lot of fun! It really gets me inspired with the new ideas.
This is one of the cards that we got to make that day. It is like a fun Make and Take for me! The base of this card is Sahara Sand and the stamp set we used is called For All You Do. Now on to the kissing....for the larger flower we first stamped it in the rose red, then stamped off once. We then stamped the square that had dots on it in the Bermuda Bay which we then stamped the flower onto the dots. Then when you stamp the flower on the paper, it looks like it has dots. This is so cool!
We also used Thoroughly Modern Paper and Bermuda Bay ribbon.
Let me know if you have any questions. If you attend any of my events I could even show you this technique. It is something different and fun to try.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope I have inspired you as this meeting did me.
Happy Kissing! (I had to say that!) Happy Stamping! Britni :)
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with them, and they with me." Revelation 3:20
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