Monday, February 7, 2011

Spritzing in the Country

Again, this is the last card in this series of cards that have the same base.

I finally ordered some smooching spritz and the box to spray it into. I love it! Okay, so I messed up the first card I tried it on, but that is okay. That is how we learn. This was the second card I tried it with. I placed my Always Artichoke paper in the box and sprayed away. It turned out great for the background.

I then stamped the truck from Countryside onto the Very Vanilla. I tore the bottom edge to match the two torn pieces of Chocolate Chip. I thought the card needed something to top it off so I added two silver brads. Simple, but great card for any man or country person in your life.

Thank you so much for stopping by! Have a wonderful week.

Happy Stamping! Britni :)

Matthew 15:28 " Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment. "


Halcyarn said...

Smooching spritz...sounds interesting. What is it?!

Anonymous said...

Just used these that we made in card club to send in care packages for two local soldiers serving overseas--I though the colors looked perfect for that. Thanks for showing us how to "spritz"--I never would have tried that myself and I love the technique! Brooke